Want to sell your 2nd level Handshake domain?
As an EnCirca Handshake Partner, you may promote Handshake domain searches in two ways: on our EnCirca site and on your own website.
Stake Your Domain
EnCirca is not a registry and we don't sell second-level domains ourselves.
In order to sell second-level domains, you must first buy a Handshake domain at https://www.namebase.io/. Once you've purchased your domain, you must stake it.
You are now able to stake your domain at one of 2 registries:
- Namebase: https://www.namebase.io/registry
- Impervious: https://impervious.domains/stake
Once the domain has been staked, Namebase or Impervious will add it to their list of domains for EnCirca to sell. We will then add it to our website.
At EnCirca
- Navigate to your tld (for example, the link for .TXT is https://www.encirca.com/handshake-txt). Replace .txt with your tld name.
- Once there, you will see a search widget and some general information about your TLD.
- If you would like to provide us creative content to customize your landing page, please email us at support@encirca.com .
On your own website
We also provide customized code that can be embedded in any web page.
- If you do not have an account with EnCirca, you will need to create one before being able to receive access to our code widget. You can create an account by going to https://manage30.encirca.com/
and clicking on the "Sign Up" button. - In order to receive instructions and the code, please go to https://hosting.encirca.com/cart.php?a=add&pid=306 and order the "Handshake Reseller" product.
- Once your request has been approved, we will send you the code and info needed to add it to your site.