You must provide proof of your eligibility as a registrant of a .CN domain. After your registration, verification information will be sent to the registry for validation. Please see below for the documents we will need to collect from you.
.CN Registration Eligibility:
- Individuals ("I Type"): Any individual from any country can register 2nd level or 3rd level .CN and .中国 domain name.
- Organizations/Entities ("E Type"): Only organizations from selected countries are eligible to register 2nd level and 3rd level .CN and .中国 domain names under its company name. The list of Eligible countries is here:
PLEASE NOTE: If the Organization's country or province is not currently listed, please continue with the registration procedures. In these cases, the Organization MUST provide a) a website where their specific organization can be verified or b) if there is no website for verification, then the organization must provide a phone number of the Business License issuing agency.
.CN Registrant Contact Creation Types & Document Requirements:
The following Individual applicants must provide documentation to validate their individual contact information:
- ID Card (SFZ)
- Passport (for Non-Chinese residents) (HZ)
- Exit-Entry Permit for Travelling to and from Hong Kong and Macao (GAJMTX)
- Travel passes for Taiwan Residents to Enter or Leave the Mainland (TWJMTX)
- Foreign Permanent Resident ID Card (WJLSFZ)
- Residence permit for Hong Kong, Macao residents (GAJZZ)
- Residence permit for Taiwan residents (TWJZZ)
- Officer's identity card (JGZ)
- Others (QT)
The following Organization applicants must provide documentation to validate their contact information:
- Organization Code Certificate (ORG)
- Business License (YYZZ)
- Certificate for Uniform Social Credit Code (TYDM)
- Military Code Designation (BDDM)
- Military Paid External Service License (JDDWFW)
- Public Institution Legal Person Certificate (SYDWFR)
- Resident Representative Offices of Foreign Enterprises Registration Form (WGCZJG)
- Social Organization Legal Person Registration Certificate (SHTTFR)
- Religion Activity Site Registration Certificate (ZJCS)
- Private Non-Enterprise Entity Registration Certificate (MBFQY)
- Fund Legal Person Registration Certificate (JJHFR)
- Practicing License of Law Firm (LSZY)
- Registration Certificate of Foreign Cultural Center in China
- Resident Representative Office of Tourism Departments of Foreign Government Approval Registration Certificate (WLCZJG)
- Judicial Expertise License (SFJD)
- Overseas Organization Certificate (JWJG)
- Social Service Agency Registration Certificate (SHFWJG)
- Private School Permit (MBXXBX)
- Medical Institution Practicing License (YLJGZY)
- Notary Organization Practicing License (GZJGZY)
- Beijing School for Children of Foreign Embassy Staff in China Permit (BJWSXX)
Notes & Comments:
If Registrants' supporting documentation does not match the corresponding contact type above, then there may be a delay and/or suspension of the Contact create or update request
In addition, if a registrant submits Chinese documents for audit or Real Name Verification ("RNV") purposes for any new contact(s) created including "Chinese ID card", "Foreign Passport", "Chinese officer certificate", "Chinese Organization Code Certificate", "Chinese business license", then Chinese characters must be used in the name and/or Organization fields. PINYIN characters will no longer be allowed if Chinese characters are used on the supporting documents.
- Example: the ID dah58830205-nxqp is a Chinese company and the name written in Chinese is "日立汽车马达系统(
- 广州)有限公司", the "Organization" must be "日立汽车马达系统(广州)有限公司" and PINYIN "rili qiche mada
- xitong (guangzhou) youxian gongsi" is no longer allowed.
CNNIC Domain Name FAQ: